Archive | February, 2015

Is it Good to Eat Spicy Food?

18 Feb

Do you like spicy food, but stop yourself to indulge in the cravings as you have been told that it is not good for your health? Though, they might give you heartburn, but they have huge health benefits. Isn’t it good news for you? So, now you can stimulate your taste palate with spices and add the heat and taste to the everyday food.  It is the spicy chemical- the capsaicin present in chilies that can improve the health.


In addition, to make your taste buds sizzle, spicy foods have a number of other benefits. Some of them are listed down for you:

  1. Weight loss: Spicy food increases the satiety and helps you feel full. This means reduced portions and in turn reduced calorie intake. Also, the spicy food shrinks the fat tissue and lowers the blood fat levels. The hot peppers help your body burn more calories as it increases the rate of metabolism. Research shows that spicy food might boost the metabolic system by over 5% and fat burning by approximately 16%. This helps in controlling weight and fighting obesity.
  2. Reduced risk of cancer: Capsaicin is known to activate cell receptors in the intestinal lining and create a reaction that reduces the risk of cancer. Capsaicin slows down the growth of cancer cells and also in some cases causes the cancer cells to die without affecting the good cells. To be particular, effective results has been obtained for pancreatic, breast and bladder cancer cells.
  3. Heart health: Spicy and hot peppers help in improving the health of the heart by enhancing the ability of the body to dissolve the blood clots. The study shows that LDL, the low-density cholesterol that clogs the arteries resists oxidation for long time when you eat chilies or spicy food. This considerably reduces the chance of cardiovascular problem. The capsaicin present in the peppers fight inflammation, which is identified as a potential risk for heart troubles.
  4. Improved circulation: Spicy food is known to improve the blood circulation and also helps in lowering the blood pressure. The temperature of the body rises when you eat spicy food and thus the blood flow increases and get your heart pumping. This is not all; the blood vessel walls also strengthen as peppers are rich in Vitamin A and C.
  5. Better digestion: Spicy food also helps in improving digestion as they increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This then improves the flow of blood to the stomach and also increases the mucous lining. This is not all, the capsaicin even kills the H. pylori bacteria and prevents the stomach ulcers. In case you feel heartburn after taking spicy food, then consume an antacid relief tablet to neutralize the acids.
  6. Cold and flu: Capsaicin increases sweating and provides relief from the discomfort of cold and flu. It even helps in reducing the sinusitis symptoms and other symptoms of flu.

The benefits of eating spicy food also include arthritis, mood lifters, improved patterns of sleep and improved breathing. So, next time when somebody lectures you about not eating spicy food, tell them what they are missing by not eating it.